Single Albums
16th Single Album, 한 마음으로 In One Heart
15th Single Album, 주의 사랑 여기 있으니 Here is the Love of the Lord
14th Single Album, I Bless Your Glorious Name
13th Single Album, 등불이 되어 Be the Lamp of God
12th Single Album, 주를 향한 감사 Gratitude to the Lord
11th Single Album, 오늘 이곳에 Holy Spirit Come in This Place
10th Single Album, 예수 하나님의 아들 Jesus, Son of God
9th Single Album, 은혜 속에 Living in Grace
8th Single Album, 그 밤은 어땠을까 The Night of Christmas
7th Single Album, 사랑의 노래 Song of Love
6th Single Album, 그 이름 부를 때 Call His Name
5th Single album, 십자가의 은혜 Grace At The Cross
4th Single, Joyful Christmas
3rd Single , 감사의 노래 Give Thanks
2nd Single, Psalm 23 시편 23편
1st Single, Into Your Heart, At This Moment 이 시간 너의 맘 속에